Isshin-ryū Karate

Classes offered Monday - Saturday

Isshin-ryū was created by Master Tatsuo Shimabuku and was recognized in Okinawa as starting in 1956. Isshin-ryū is an Okinawan martial art that consists of kata and techniques derived from Shorinryu Gojuryu and Kobudo. Isshin-ryū is a synthesis of all these styles combined, including innovations from Master Shimabuku. Characteristics of the Isshin-ryū system include straight-forward practical self-defense techniques, upright natural stances, using vertical fist, low kicks, snapping hand and foot techniques, flexibility in use of techniques (strikes can also be blocks; blocks can be strikes), blocking with (muscle) part of forearm and use of Kihon (basic techniques) in place of kata.

Classes are instructed by Ed and Melissa Powers daily.